Example uses
Resources using Verovio
Name | Type | Description |
Verovio Humdrum Viewer | editor | An online semi-graphical Humdrum data editor (can also be used to textually edit other digital scores compliant with verovio). |
MoVI | repertory | The digital Mozart digital score VIewer at the Mozarteum |
Tasso in Music Project | repertory | Musical settings of the poetry of Torquato Tasso |
Measuring Polyphony | repertory | Late medieval music in black mensural and modern notations |
Probstücke Digital | repertory | open and critical digital edition of Mattheson’s test pieces |
370 Bach Chorales | repertory | Online edition of Bach chorales, including an interactive typesetter page that allows for creating musical examples for online display or use in papers. |
Humdrum Notation Plugin | tool | Javascript interface to verovio for displaying multiple musical examples on a webpage |
Music Sheet Viewer | tool | WordPress plugin for displaying graphical music from MEI data |
Digital score repositories on Github
Here is a list of digital score repositories on Github that can be displayed with verovio:
Link | Encoding | Description |
MEI complete examples | MEI | 86 various works encoded in MEI |
Mozart Piano Sonatas | Humdrum | 17 Piano sonatas by W.A. Mozart from the Alte Mozart-Ausgabe (in VHV) |
Beethoven Piano Sonatas | Humdrum | 32 Piano sonatas by L. van Beethoven, edited by Paul Dukas (in VHV) |
Josquin Research Project | Humdrum | Over 1000 scores of early Renaissance music in modern editions (website) |
Tasso in Music Project | Humdrum | Critical edition of 650 Late Renaissance madrigals using the poetry of Torquato Tasso for lyrics. (website) |
Music of Scott Joplin | Humdrum | Digital scores of most of Scott Joplins music |
Chopin mazurkas | Humdrum | Digital scores of Chopin’s mazurkas |
Chopin preludes | Humdrum | Digital scores of Chopin’s op. 24 preludes |
J.N. Hummel preludes, op. 67 | Humdrum | 24 improvisatory prelude examples in every key |
370 Bach chorales | Humdrum | Chorales collected by C.P.E. Bach after his father’s death (website) |
Deutscher Liederschatz | Humdrum | 200 harmonized songs from vol. 1, edited by Ludwig Erk |
Beethoven string quartets | Humdrum | 18 string quartets by Ludwig van Beethoven |