Input formats
When data is loaded into Verovio with no input format specifies, it tries to detect it based on the initial content of the data. MEI is assume to be the default format if auto detection fails. In such cases, the format can be given explicitly with the option --input-from
(or -f
The native input format for Verovio is MEI. Verovio supports MEI as input format from MEI 2013 onwards. From Verovio 2.x.x, the plan is to have even version numbers for Verovio releases using a stable version of MEI, and odd version numbers for releases using a development version of MEI. It means that once MEI 5.0 will be released, Verovio will move to version 4.x.x. Older versions of MEI are still supported by newer versions of Verovio.
When loading MEI data into Verovio and outputting MEI, elements that are not supported by Verovio will be ignored. This means that they are not loaded into memory and will not be preserved in the MEI output. This includes the element themselves, but also any descendant they might have. A warning will be given in the console. For example:
[Warning] Unsupported '<ossia>' within <measure>
Support for previous version of MEI
When an MEI file in loaded into Verovio and is not of the latest version for that version of Verovio, it performs upgrade steps for the features that were supported by Verovio for that older version of MEI.
MEI 2013 files
Various attributes in <page>
and <measure>
for the page-based version of MEI are upgraded (experimental work).
MEI 3.0 files
The following elements / attributes are upgraded:
Original data
<beatRpt rend="4" />
<beatRpt rend="8" />
<beatRpt rend="16" />
<beatRpt form="4" />
Upgraded data
<beatRpt slash="1" />
<beatRpt slash="1" />
<beatRpt slash="2" />
<beatRpt slash="1" />
Original data
<fTrem slash="2" />
Upgraded data
<fTrem beams="2" />
Original data
<instrDef midi.volume="111" />
Upgraded data
<instrDef midi.volume="87.40%" />
Original data
<mordent form="inv" />
<mordent form="norm" />
Upgraded data
<mordent form="upper" />
<mordent form="lower" />
Original data
<turn form="inv" />
<turn form="norm" />
Upgraded data
<turn form="lower" />
<turn form="upper" />
Original data
<staff barthru="true" />
Upgraded data
<staff bar.thru="true" />
Original data
<staffDef label="violin I" label.abbr="vl I" />
Upgraded data
<label>Violin I<label>
<labelAbbr>Vl I<labelAbbr>
Original data
<note dur.ges="8p" />
<note dur.ges="32r" />
<note dur.ges="32s" />
Upgraded data
<note dur.ppq="8" />
<note dur.recip="32" />
<note dur.real="32" />
MEI 4.0 files
The following elements / attributes are upgraded:
Original data
<mensur tempus="3" />
<mensur tempus="2" />
Upgraded data
<mensur tempus="3" sign="O" />
<mensur tempus="2" sign="C" />
Original data
<mensur prolatio="3" />
<mensur prolatio="2" />
Upgraded data
<mensur prolatio="3" dot="true" />
<mensur prolatio="2" dot="false" />
Page-based MEI
Humdrum data is an analytic music code for transcribing fully polyphonic textures. Humdrum syntax presents notes of the score in strict time sequence. Each data row represents all notes sounding or events occurring at the same time, and each column traces the melodic line of the individual parts. More information about the syntax is available on the Humdrum website.
The following example from Mozart’s piano sonata in F major, K1 280 (K6 189e), mvmt. 1, is generated dynamically within this page using the JavaScript form of Verovio, inputting the Humdrum data that follows.
The data consists of three separate streams of information, called spines that usually consist of one column, but sometime more due to spine splits into subspines. The first column represents music on the bottom staff, the second column represents the top staff, and the third column contains the dynamics, which in this case apply to both staves.
!!!COM: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
!!!OTL: Piano Sonata No. 2 in F major
!!!OMV: 1
!!!SCT1: K1 280
!!!SCT2: K6 189e
!!!OMD: Allegro assai
**kern **kern **dynam
*staff2 *staff1 *staff1/2
*clefF4 *clefG2 *
*k[b-] *k[b-] *
*F: *F: *
*M3/4 *M3/4 *
*MM152 *MM152 *
=1- =1- =1-
4FF 4F 4c: 4f: 4a: 4cc: f
4C 4a/ 4cc/ .
4AA 4a/ 4cc/ .
=2 =2 =2
4FF 4.a/ .
4FFF . .
. (16ddLL .
. 16ccJJ .
4r 16b-LL .
. 16a .
. 16g .
. 16fJJ .
=3 =3 =3
8F 8AL 4ff .
8F 8A . .
8F 8G 8B- 4ee .
8F 8G 8B- . .
8F 8A 8c 4ee-) .
8F 8A 8cJ . .
=4 =4 =4
8F 8B- 8dL 4dd .
8F 8B- 8d . .
8F 8B- 8d 4r .
8F 8B- 8d . .
8F 8B- 8d 4r .
8F 8B- 8dJ . .
=5 =5 =5
8F 8G 8eL (8ccL p
8F 8G 8e 8b-J) .
8F 8G 8e 4b-' .
8F 8G 8e . .
8F 8G 8e 4r .
8F 8G 8eJ . .
=6 =6 =6
*- *- *-
Verovio Humdrum Viewer
The Verovio Humdrum Viewer (VHV) is a special-purpose interactive website for viewing and editing Humdrum files with the Verovio notation egraving library. You can view the full score for the above Mozart example in VHV from this link:
When on a VHV notation page, try pressing the key “p” to view the scan of the original print from which the musical data was encoded. Also try pressing “m” to view the internal conversion to MEI data. Vi users can try pressing “v” to toggle between the basic and vim modes for the text editor. Use the left/right arrow keys or PageUp/PageDown to navigate to different pages. Press shift-left/right arrows to go to the next/previous work/movement in the repertory.
Sample repertories of Humdrum data displayed in the Verovio Humdrum Viewer:
- J.S. Bach chorales (When viewing a chorale, type the “o” letter key to toggle view of the original historic clefs.)
- Mozart piano sonatas
- Beethoven piano sontats
- Beethoven string quartets
- Chopin mazurkas
- Works of Scott Joplin
- Works of Josquin des Prez
- Works of Johannes Ockeghem
- Works of Pierre de la Rue
- Works of Mabrianus de Orto
- Deutscher Liederschatz, Band I (Edited by Ludwig Erk.)
Command-line interface usage
To typeset music in the Humdrum format on the command-line:
$ verovio -f humdrum input.krn -o output.svg
You can usually use the auto-detection feature of verovio by omitting the option.
$ verovio input.krn -o output.svg
The output filename will have the same basename as the input if the option is not given, so in this case the output will be called .
$ verovio file.krn
Standard input/output can be used with the verovio command by giving a dash for standard input and to send the output to standard output.
$ cat input.krn | verovio - -o - > output.svg
To convert to MEI data:
$ verovio file.krn --no-layout --all-pages -t mei
A more complicated example
Below is a song for voice and piano accompaniment. Each verse is listed in a separate spine of **text
in addition to the three staves of music in **kern
spines and one dynamics (**dynam
) spine.
!!!OTL@@DE: Liebes-A-B-C
!!!COM: Pohlenz, August
!!!CDT: 1790/07/03/-1843/03/09/
!!!ODT: 1827
!!!OMD: Allegretto
!!!LYR: Gerhard, Wilhelm
!!!LDT: 1826
!!!OCL: Erk, Ludwig
!!!GCO: Deutscher Liederschatz, Band 1
**kern **kern **kern **text **text **text **text **text **text **text
*staff3 *staff2 *staff1 *staff1 *staff1 *staff1 *staff1 *staff1 *staff1 *staff1
*Ipiano *Ipiano *Ivox * * * * * * *
*clefF4 *clefG2 *clefG2 * * * * * * *
*k[b-] *k[b-] *k[b-] * * * * * * *
*F: *F: *F: * * * * * * *
*M3/8 *M3/8 *M3/8 * * * * * * *
*MM100 *MM100 *MM100 * * * * * * *
=1- =1- =1- =1- =1- =1- =1- =1- =1- =1-
*^ *^ * * * * * * * *
8AL 4F 8fL 4c 8f A E I M Q U Yp-
8G . 8e . 8e B F K N R V -si-
8AJ 8F 8fJ 8c 8f C G und O S W -lon
*v *v * * * * * * * * * *
* *v *v * * * * * * * *
=2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2
4C 4c 4e 4g 4g D, H, L, P, T, X, Z,
8r 8r 8r . . . . . . .
=3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3
4C 4c 8e 8gL 8g wenn wärst Aeug- gleich Schei- mach' nun
. 8d 8f 8f ich du -lein ei- -den ei- geh'
8C 8c 8e 8gJ 8g dich doch so -ner thut -nen zu
=4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4
4F 4c 4f 4a 4a seh', da! hell Fee weh. Knix, Bett!
8r 8r 8r . . . . . . .
=5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5
4DD 4D 8r 8a dich, Drück- glänz- fes- Hal- drückt Bricht
. 8c 8d 8f#L 8a mei- -te -ten -selst -te dir doch
8r 8c 8d 8f#J 8dd -ne mein in du mit ein die
=6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6
4GG 8r sü- treu- Lie- Herz Herz jun- Nacht
. 8B- 8d 8gL . . . . . . . .
. . 16b- -sse -er -bes- und und -ger schon
8r 8B- 8d 8gJ 8b- Lust, Arm, -pracht Sinn, Mund Fant ein,
=7 =7 =7 =7 =7 =7 =7 =7 =7 =7
4CC 4C 8r 8g klopft Hol- mir Grüb- treu zärt- kann
. 8B- 8c 8eL 8g die -de, aus -chen an -lich ja
8r 8B- 8c 8eJ 8cc em- dich der in dem die nicht
=8 =8 =8 =8 =8 =8 =8 =8 =8 =8
4FF 8r 8.b- -pör- lie- Wim- Wang' Lie- Schwa- bei
. 8A 8c 8fL . . . . . . . .
. . 16a -te -be- -pern und -bes- -nen- dir
8r 8A 8c 8fJ 8a Brust, warm! Nacht, Kinn, -bund, -hand, sein,
=9 =9 =9 =9 =9 =9 =9 =9 =9 =9
8FFL 8A 8fL 8f wird Schätz- tra- Ro- sa- a- wenn
8GG 8B- 8e 8e mir -chen, -fen -sen- -ge -ber ich
8AAJ 8c 8fJ 8f so ach wie -glut, mir nur auch
=10 =10 =10 =10 =10 =10 =10 =10 =10 =10
4BB- 8r wohl wärst bli- Li- nie ern- Flü-
. 8B- 8d 8gL . . . . . . . .
. . 16dd und du -tzes- -lien- A- -sten -gel
8r 8B- 8d 8gJ 8dd weh, da! -schnell, schnee, de! Blicks hätt'!
=11 =11 =11 =11 =11 =11 =11 =11 =11 =11
4C 8r 8cc wenn wärst Aeug- rei- Schei- mach' Geh'
. 8B- 8c 8eL 8g ich du -lein -zen- -den ihm nur
8r 8B- 8c 8eJ 8a dich mir so -de thut den zu
=12 =12 =12 =12 =12 =12 =12 =12 =12 =12
4FF 4F 4A 4c 4f 4f seh'! nah'! hell. Fee! weh. Knix! Bett!
8r 8r 8r . . . . . . .
== == == == == == == == == ==
*- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *-
!!!SMS: Deutscher Liederschatz, Band 1, Ludwig Erk, ed.
!!!ENC: Craig Stuart Sapp
!!!END: 2004/05/16/
!!!EED: 2011/02/05/
!!!EFL: 001/651
!!muse2ps: s^(.){(..)}^z21jv200,114,144
!!CharacterEncoding: UTF-8
Additional input format via Humdrum
Verovio with Humdrum enabled supports some additional input formats that can be used with --input-from
- MuseData with option
, ormusedata-hum
- EsAC with
For more information about these input formats, see the Verovio Humdrum Viewer documentation.
Verovio has two converters for importing MusicXML data. The first one directly converts MusicXML into MEI. The second one first converts to Humdrum and then converts the Humdrum to MEI. By default, the first importer is used. It is also the one triggered when the value xml
is passed to the --input-from
Compressed MusicXML files
Verovio supports MusicXML compressed (MXL) files. It only loads basic single-file MusicXML MXL files containing the index file (META-INF/container.xml
) and the MusicXML file, with the extension .xml
. The input process searches for the META-INF/container.xml
file from which the filename of the MusicXML file is extracted. The filename extracted is the first ./rootfile@full-path
listed in /container/rootfiles
Input of MXL files is auto detected and the xml
value does not have to be passed to --input-format
. However, when using the JavaScript toolkit, you need to make sure your data is an ArrayBuffer
or a base64 string, and use loadZipDataBuffer()
or loadZipDataBase64()
respectively to load it instead loadData()
. Here is an example using the JavaScript Fetch API, loading the file as an ArrayBuffer
fetch( mxlUrl )
.then( response => response.arrayBuffer() )
.then( data =>
vrvToolkit.loadZipDataBuffer( data )
// Do anything else you want with the file here
} ).catch( e =>
console.log( e );
} );
Importing MusicXML via Humdrum
The MusicXML import via Humdrum is available only for Verovio builds where Humdrum support has been enabled specifically at build time. For the JavaScript toolkit, this is not the default and it is important to make sure that the appropriate build is being used. See the related section for more information about this. With the command-line tool and the Python toolkit, Humdrum support is enabled by default.
With Verovio builds that support Humdrum, the MusicXML import via Humdrum can be triggered by setting the --input-from
option to musicxml-hum
. For example:
verovio -f musicxml-hum -t hum file.xml
The MusicXML import via Humdrum can itself be made the default MusicXML importer with the build option MUSICXML_DEFAULT_HUMDRUM
. See the command-line section for more information on how to change build options. With this, MusicXML files will be loaded via the Humdrum importer without having to specify musicxml-hum
for the option --input-from
. The direct importer can still be used by passing the value xml
to --input-from
Plaine and Easie
The Plaine & Easie Code is a library standard that enables entering music incipits in modern or mensural notation. It is mostly used by the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) for inventorying the music incipits of the manuscripts. More information about the syntax is available on the IAML website.
Plaine and Easie input in Verovio is a text file (or string) with a list of the following @key:value
– the initial clef@keysig
– the initial key signature@timesig
– the initial time signature@data
– the incipit content
From version 3.7, the content can be structured as a JSON object with a clef
, keysig
, timesig
and data
key. Verovio will auto detect both as Plaine & Easie format. Internaly, text files with @key:value
lines are converted into a JSON object.
Beams and tuplets
Text file input
JSON input
"clef": "G-2",
"keysig": "xFCGD",
"timesig": "3/8",
"data": "'6B/{8B+(6B''E'B)}({AFD})/{6.E3G},8B-/({6'EGF})({FAG})({GEB})/4F6-"
Measure rests and key and time signature changes
@data:=25//=5//$xFCG @c 2-4.-'8E/{6AGFE}{8A''C}'B''4D{6C'B}/{''DC'BA}{''8EA}
Clef changes
@data:,6{FA'CF}%G-2 {''6CEA'''C}%F-4 {,6FB'DF}%G-2 {''6DFA'''D}/
Trills and fermata
Grace notes (acciaccaturas)
Grace notes (appoggiaturas)
Rhythmic patterns
Abbreviated writing
PAE Validation
The toolkit can be used to validate Plaine & Easie input data with the ValidatePAE
or ValidatePAEFile
methods. The methods load the PAE data passed as a string or from a file respectively. They both return a stringified JSON object with validation error or warning messages.
The JSON object can contain one or more validation messages. When a global input error is encountered (e.g, data
is missing in the input), a single object is returned. Otherwise, the object is structured with keys corresponding to the JSON input keys (clef
, keysig
, timesig
and data
). Each key can have one single validation message, except for data
that contains an array of one or more messages. Only keys for which a validation message is given will exist in the validation object. In non-pendantic mode, syntax problems are marked as warning
as long as parsing can continue.
Each validation message is structured as follow:
"column": 0,
"row": 0,
"code": 1,
"text": "A description of the validation problem",
"type": "error"
Description of the values:
- The
indicates the position where the problem occurs in the input string. It is always0
. It can be-1
when no position can be indicated. - The
is always0
. - The
can beerror
. - The
corresponds to a numeric error code that can be used to map the errors into another system and (for example) to translate the messages.
Whenever the error message contains a string interpolation %s
, then the json message also contains a value
key with the value to be used for the interpolation.
Here is an example of invalid input data and the object returned by the validation call:
"clef": "GG2",
"keysig": "bB",
"data": "=1/4-''DC'tB/''tCC"
"clef": {
"column": 0,
"row": 0,
"code": 43,
"text": "Unexpected second character in clef sign",
"type": "warning"
"data": [
"column": 10,
"row": 0,
"code": 17,
"text": "Invalid t not after a note",
"type": "warning"
"column": 15,
"row": 0,
"code": 17,
"text": "Invalid t not after a note",
"type": "warning"
Abc is a text-based music notation system originally designed for use with folk and traditional tunes and used throughout the web. You can find the documentation on the ABC notation website.
Let’s start with a simple little tune.
X: 99
T:Short tune
C:K. Rettinghaus
Verovio takes several information fields into account, e.g. the reference number X
, the tune title T
, the meter M
, the unit note length L
, the key K
. As you can see, Verovio prints the header as expected by default. You may suppress this behaviour with the --header none
Now let’s add a literal tempo as well as some grace notes and chord symbols. Dynamics are also very important! Note that chord symbols are put above the melody.
X: 99
T:Short tune
C:K. Rettinghaus
"D"!mf!D|"G"G>A "Em"B {/A/}G|"Am"A>B "D7"A{/E/}D|"G"G>A "C"B "D"A|"G"G3|]
With the option --breaks: 'encoded'
Verovio keeps the encoded layout, as you can see on this page. The default value is 'auto'
, which lets Verovio to decide where to put a line-break.
T:Dusty Miller, The
T:Binny's Jig
Bdd gfg|aA Ac BA|Bdd gfa|gG GB AG:|
Alternatively it is always possible to suppress score line-breaks. Meter changes are also supported.
T:Old Sir Simon the King
S:Offord MSS % from Offord manuscript
N:see also Playford % reference note
R:SJ % slip jig
N:originally in C % transcription note
D|GAG GAB d2D|GAG GAB c2D|[1 EFE EFE EFG|A2G F2E D2:|\\\ % no line-break in score
M:12/8 % change of meter
[2 E2E EFE E2E EFG|\\\ % no line-break in score
M:9/8 % change of meter
A2G F2E D2|]
Broken rhythm markers
T:Broken rhythm markers
A>A A2>A2 A>>A A2>>>A2|]
Ties and slurs
Verovio correctly differentiates between ties and slurs.
T:Ties and Slurs
(AA) (A(A)A) ((AA)A) (A|A) A-A A-A-A A2-|A4|]
__A _A =A ^A ^^A|]
[CEGc] [C2G2] [CE][DF]|[D2F2][EG][FA] [A4d4]|]
Known limitations:
- Verovio imports only the first tune in a collection
- Tuplets are not supported
- User defined symbols are not supported
- Multi-voice music is not supported
- Lyrics are not supported yet
The CMME format is an XML-based format developped for the Computerized Mensural Music Editing project. It can be imported into Verovio as of version 4.4. CMME files can be imported with -f cmme.xml
but are also auto-detected.
A CMME file is imported as an MEI mensural file with one single mdiv/score
. Sections in CMME are imported as distinct section
elements within the score
Everything in imported as mensural
notation, including sections marked as Plainchant
in CMME since there is no difference in the way the music is encoded in those sections. Where there is less voices in a section than in the rest of the score, empty and invisible staff elements <staff visibility="false"/>
are added to the section.
The initial staffDef
elements have no @clef.*
and no @keyisg
and these are given in the layer
instead. Every staffDef
contains a mensur
indicating that all level of divisions are binary by default.
MEI header
The GeneralData
element of the CMME file is used to populate the MEI header. It uses:
- The
- The
- The
The CMME import forces the use of the --duration-equivalence
option to minima
when importing a CMME file. A warning is shown if the option was previously different - which is the case by default. This could potentially have side effects for subsequent calls since it is not set back to its original value.
Proportions in CMME can be encoded as Proportion
element, or as TempoChange
within Mensuration
. Encoding a proportion as a tempo change is arguably not the proper way to do it, but as a matter of fact, it is a used practice the importer needs to deal with. The importer tries to disentangle proportions and tempo changes. One complication is that proportions and tempo changes in CMME act differently. Proportions are cumulated with the previous ones, whereas tempo changes are not.
Ideally proportions encoded in a mensur indications that are actual tempo changes should be ignored in the conversion because they do not represent a proportion in the notation. Furthermore, when converting the imported data to CMN, this will yield measure content that hardly makes sense since tuplets will be used to represent the proportions. However, when a proportion encoded in a mensur indication is a real proportion, it must be taken into account and preserved.
The importer ignores, if possible, the proportions inserted in the mensuration signs indicating a tempo change. This is done on the basis of the presence of an identical proportion for all voices. When tempo change proportions are occurring at all voices and with an identical Num
and Den
, they are preserved as an MEI proportion
with a @type="cmme_tempo_change"
. Verovio ignores when performing that alignment of the data, including when converting to CMN.
When the proportion is not identical in all voices, it has to be preserved and taken into account for the alignment of the data. We can here distinguish two cases. The first is when the tempo change does not occur in all voices. In this case, it quite likely corresponds to a true proportion. It is preserved as an MEI proportion
but with a @type="reset"
to indicate that it should not be cumulated with a previous one - which is the default behavior of Verovio.
The second case is where all voices have a proportion, but it differs. In this case, there is no straightforward way of knowing which proportion is a tempo change, and which is a mixture of the two. The conversion will maintained an MEI proportion
with @type="reset"
at all voices. Even though the conversion result will be properly aligned in mensural MEI, it will yield a combination of corresponding tuplets when converted into CMN that will not be fully satisfactory. The best thing to do would be to correct the CMME files and to remove the tempo changes, or to separate the proportions and the tempo changes.
Finally, a CMME Proportion
will converted to MEI proportion
with no @type
, impliying that the proportion has to be cumulated with a previous one.
Coloration and color change
Coloration in CMME is encoded with Colored
on Note
, and is converted to MEI @colored
. ColorChange
is the change of color, e.g., a change of ink. P
The CMME ColorChange
(i.e., the change of the color of the ink) is converted by applying the color (non-black) to note@color
and rest@color
. The possible colors are black
(assumed to be the default and not encoded), red
, yellow
, green
or blue