Toolkit options
For the Python toolkit, options have to be passed as stringified JSON objects. For the JavaScript toolkit, they have to be passed as JSON objects directly.
Base short options
All of the base options are short options in the command-line version of the toolkit. Most of them are command-line only and are not used in the JavaScript or Python toolkits.
∅-a, --all-pages
Output all pages
∅-h, --help <string>
Display this message
(default: “”)
"inputFrom": <string>
-f, --input-from <string>
Select input format from: "abc", "cmme.xml", "darms", "esac", "humdrum", "mei", "pae", "volpiano", "xml" (musicxml), "musicxml-hum" (musicxml via humdrum)
(default: “mei”)
See also: Input formats
∅-l, --log-level <string>
Set the log level: "off", "error", "warning", "info", or "debug"
(default: “warning”)
See also: Environment functions
∅-o, --outfile <string>
Output file name (use "-" as file name for standard output)
(default: “svg”)
∅-t, --output-to <string>
Select output format to: "mei", "mei-pb", "mei-facs", "mei-basic", "svg", "midi", "timemap", "expansionmap", "humdrum" or "pae"
(default: “svg”)
See also: Output formats
∅-p, --page <integer>
Select the page to engrave (default is 1)
∅-r, --resource-path <string>
Path to the directory with Verovio resources
(default: “/usr/local/share/verovio”)
See also: SetResourcePath | Environment functions | Resources for versions built locally
"scale": <integer>
-s, --scale <integer>
Scale of the output in percent (100 is normal size)
(default: 100; min: 1; max: 1000)
See also: Scaling
∅- , --stdin
Use "-" as input file or set the "–stdin" option for reading from the standard input
∅-v, --version
Display the version number
The version number includes major, minor and revision numbers and the last number of the git commit.
"xmlIdSeed": <integer>
-x, --xml-id-seed <integer>
Seed the random number generator for XML IDs (default is random)
Input and page layout options
"adjustPageHeight": <boolean>
Adjust the page height to the height of the content
"adjustPageWidth": <boolean>
Adjust the page width to the width of the content
The option functions in a similar manner to --adjust--page-height
. It shrinks the width of the music in the case where there is only a single system of music, and the music does not completely fill the full width specified by --page-width
"breaks": <string>
--breaks <string>
Define page and system breaks layout
(default: “auto”; other values: [‘none’, ‘auto’, ‘line’, ‘smart’, ‘encoded’])
See also: Output layout
"breaksSmartSb": <decimal>
--breaks-smart-sb <decimal>
In smart breaks mode, the portion of system width usage at which an encoded sb will be used
(default: 0.66; min: 0.0; max: 1.0)
"condense": <string>
--condense <string>
Control condensed score layout
(default: “auto”; other values: [‘none’, ‘auto’, ‘encoded’])
"condenseFirstPage": <boolean>
When condensing a score also condense the first page
"condenseNotLastSystem": <boolean>
When condensing a score never condense the last system
"condenseTempoPages": <boolean>
When condensing a score also condense pages with a tempo change
"evenNoteSpacing": <boolean>
Align notes and rests without adding duration based space
"expand": <string>
--expand <string>
Expand all referenced elements in the expansion <xml:id>
(default: “”)
"footer": <string>
--footer <string>
Control footer layout
(default: “auto”; other values: [‘none’, ‘auto’, ‘encoded’, ‘always’])
"header": <string>
--header <string>
Control header layout
(default: “auto”; other values: [‘none’, ‘auto’, ‘encoded’])
"humType": <boolean>
Include type attributes when importing from Humdrum
"incip": <boolean>
Read <incip> elements as data input
"justifyVertically": <boolean>
Justify spacing vertically to fill the page
See also: Vertical justification
"landscape": <boolean>
Swap the values for page height and page width
"minLastJustification": <decimal>
--min-last-justification <decimal>
The last system is only justified if the unjustified width is greater than this percent
(default: 0.8; min: 0.0; max: 1.0)
"mmOutput": <boolean>
Specify that the output in the SVG is given in mm (default is px)
"moveScoreDefinitionToStaff": <boolean>
Move score definition (clef, keySig, meterSig, etc.) from scoreDef to staffDef
"neumeAsNote": <boolean>
Render neumes as note heads instead of original notation
"noJustification": <boolean>
Do not justify the system
"openControlEvents": <boolean>
Render open control events
"outputFormatRaw": <boolean>
Writes MEI out with no line indenting or non-content newlines.
"outputIndent": <integer>
--output-indent <integer>
Output indentation value for MEI and SVG
(default: 3; min: 1; max: 10)
"outputIndentTab": <boolean>
Output indentation with tabulation for MEI and SVG
"outputSmuflXmlEntities": <boolean>
Output SMuFL characters as XML entities instead of hex byte codes
"pageHeight": <integer>
--page-height <integer>
The page height
(default: 2970; min: 100; max: 60000)
See also: Controlling the SVG output
"pageMarginBottom": <integer>
--page-margin-bottom <integer>
The page bottom margin
(default: 50; min: 0; max: 500)
"pageMarginLeft": <integer>
--page-margin-left <integer>
The page left margin
(default: 50; min: 0; max: 500)
"pageMarginRight": <integer>
--page-margin-right <integer>
The page right margin
(default: 50; min: 0; max: 500)
"pageMarginTop": <integer>
--page-margin-top <integer>
The page top margin
(default: 50; min: 0; max: 500)
"pageWidth": <integer>
--page-width <integer>
The page width
(default: 2100; min: 100; max: 100000)
See also: Controlling the SVG output
"pedalStyle": <string>
--pedal-style <string>
The global pedal style
(default: “auto”; other values: [‘auto’, ‘line’, ‘pedstar’, ‘altpedstar’])
"preserveAnalyticalMarkup": <boolean>
Preserves the analytical markup in MEI
"removeIds": <boolean>
Remove XML IDs in the MEI output that are not referenced
"scaleToPageSize": <boolean>
Scale the content within the page instead of scaling the page itself
See also: Scaling
"setLocale": <boolean>
Changes the global locale to C (this is not thread-safe)
"showRuntime": <boolean>
Display the total runtime on command-line
"shrinkToFit": <boolean>
Scale down page content to fit the page height if needed
"smuflTextFont": <string>
--smufl-text-font <string>
Specify if the smufl text font is embedded, linked, or ignored
(default: “embedded”; other values: [‘embedded’, ‘linked’, ‘none’])
See also: Music symbols in text
"staccatoCenter": <boolean>
Align staccato and staccatissimo articulations with center of the note
"svgAdditionalAttribute": <string> *
--svg-additional-attribute <string> *
Add additional attribute for graphical elements in SVG as "data-*", for example, "note@pname" would add a "data-pname" to all note elements
"svgBoundingBoxes": <boolean>
Include bounding boxes in SVG output
"svgCss": <string>
--svg-css <string>
CSS (as a string) to be added to the SVG output
(default: “”)
"svgFormatRaw": <boolean>
Writes SVG out with no line indenting or non-content newlines
"svgHtml5": <boolean>
Write data-id and data-class attributes for JS usage and id clash avoidance
"svgRemoveXlink": <boolean>
Removes the xlink: prefix on href attributes for compatibility with some newer browsers
"svgViewBox": <boolean>
Use viewBox on svg root element for easy scaling of document
"unit": <decimal>
--unit <decimal>
The MEI unit (1⁄2 of the distance between the staff lines)
(default: 9.0; min: 4.5; max: 12.0)
See also: Units and page dimensions | Scaling
"useBraceGlyph": <boolean>
Use brace glyph from current font
"useFacsimile": <boolean>
Use information in the <facsimile> element to control the layout
"usePgFooterForAll": <boolean>
Use the pgFooter for all pages
"usePgHeaderForAll": <boolean>
Use the pgHeader for all pages
"xmlIdChecksum": <boolean>
Seed the generator for XML IDs using the checksum of the input data
General layout options
"barLineSeparation": <decimal>
--bar-line-separation <decimal>
The default distance between multiple barlines when locked together
(default: 0.8; min: 0.5; max: 2.0)
"barLineWidth": <decimal>
--bar-line-width <decimal>
The barline width
(default: 0.3; min: 0.1; max: 0.8)
"beamFrenchStyle": <boolean>
For notes in beams, stems will stop at first outermost sub-beam without crossing it
"beamMaxSlope": <integer>
--beam-max-slope <integer>
The maximum beam slope
(default: 10; min: 0; max: 20)
"beamMixedPreserve": <boolean>
Mixed beams will be drawn even if there is not enough space
"beamMixedStemMin": <decimal>
--beam-mixed-stem-min <decimal>
The minimal stem length in MEI units used to draw mixed beams
(default: 3.5; min: 1.0; max: 8.0)
"bracketThickness": <decimal>
--bracket-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the system bracket
(default: 1.0; min: 0.5; max: 2.0)
"breaksNoWidow": <boolean>
Prevent single measures on the last page by fitting it into previous system
"dashedBarLineDashLength": <decimal>
--dashed-bar-line-dash-length <decimal>
The dash length of dashed barlines
(default: 1.14; min: 0.1; max: 5.0)
"dashedBarLineGapLength": <decimal>
--dashed-bar-line-gap-length <decimal>
The gap length of dashed barlines
(default: 1.14; min: 0.1; max: 5.0)
"dynamDist": <decimal>
--dynam-dist <decimal>
The default distance from the staff for dynamic marks
(default: 1.0; min: 0.5; max: 16.0)
"dynamSingleGlyphs": <boolean>
Don't use SMuFL's predefined dynamics glyph combinations
"engravingDefaults": <string>
--engraving-defaults <string>
Json describing defaults for engraving SMuFL elements
"extenderLineMinSpace": <decimal>
--extender-line-min-space <decimal>
Minimum space required for extender line to be drawn
(default: 1.5; min: 1.5; max: 10.0)
"fingeringScale": <decimal>
--fingering-scale <decimal>
The scale of fingering font compared to default font size
(default: 0.75; min: 0.25; max: 1.0)
"font": <string>
--font <string>
Set the music font
(default: “Leipzig”)
See also: SMuFL fonts
"fontAddCustom": <string> *
--font-add-custom <string> *
Add a custom music font as zip file
"fontFallback": <string>
--font-fallback <string>
The music font fallback for missing glyphs
(default: “Leipzig”; other values: [‘Leipzig’, ‘Bravura’])
"fontLoadAll": <boolean>
Load all music fonts
"graceFactor": <decimal>
--grace-factor <decimal>
The grace size ratio numerator
(default: 0.75; min: 0.5; max: 1.0)
"graceRhythmAlign": <boolean>
Align grace notes rhythmically with all staves
"graceRightAlign": <boolean>
Align the right position of a grace group with all staves
"hairpinSize": <decimal>
--hairpin-size <decimal>
The haripin size in MEI units
(default: 3.0; min: 1.0; max: 8.0)
"hairpinThickness": <decimal>
--hairpin-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the hairpin
(default: 0.2; min: 0.1; max: 0.8)
"handwrittenFont": <string> *
--handwritten-font <string> *
Fonts that emulate hand writing and require special handling
"harmDist": <decimal>
--harm-dist <decimal>
The default distance from the staff of harmonic indications
(default: 1.0; min: 0.5; max: 16.0)
"justificationBraceGroup": <decimal>
--justification-brace-group <decimal>
Space between staves inside a braced group justification
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
See also: Vertical justification
"justificationBracketGroup": <decimal>
--justification-bracket-group <decimal>
Space between staves inside a bracketed group justification
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
See also: Vertical justification
"justificationMaxVertical": <decimal>
--justification-max-vertical <decimal>
Maximum ratio of justifiable height to page height that can be used for the vertical justification
(default: 0.2; min: 0.0; max: 1.0)
"justificationStaff": <decimal>
--justification-staff <decimal>
The staff justification
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
See also: Vertical justification
"justificationSystem": <decimal>
--justification-system <decimal>
The system spacing justification
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
See also: Vertical justification
"ledgerLineExtension": <decimal>
--ledger-line-extension <decimal>
The amount by which a ledger line should extend either side of a notehead
(default: 0.54; min: 0.2; max: 1.0)
"ledgerLineThickness": <decimal>
--ledger-line-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the ledger lines
(default: 0.25; min: 0.1; max: 0.5)
"lyricElision": <string>
--lyric-elision <string>
The lyric elision width
(default: “regular”; other values: [‘unicode’, ‘narrow’, ‘regular’, ‘wide’])
"lyricHeightFactor": <decimal>
--lyric-height-factor <decimal>
The lyric verse line height factor
(default: 1.0; min: 1.0; max: 20.0)
"lyricLineThickness": <decimal>
--lyric-line-thickness <decimal>
The lyric extender line thickness
(default: 0.25; min: 0.1; max: 0.5)
"lyricNoStartHyphen": <boolean>
Do not show hyphens at the beginning of a system
"lyricSize": <decimal>
--lyric-size <decimal>
The lyrics size in MEI units
(default: 4.5; min: 2.0; max: 8.0)
"lyricTopMinMargin": <decimal>
--lyric-top-min-margin <decimal>
The minmal margin above the lyrics in MEI units
(default: 2.0; min: 0.0; max: 8.0)
"lyricVerseCollapse": <boolean>
Collapse empty verse lines in lyrics
"lyricWordSpace": <decimal>
--lyric-word-space <decimal>
The lyric word space length
(default: 1.2; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
"measureMinWidth": <integer>
--measure-min-width <integer>
The minimal measure width in MEI units
(default: 15; min: 1; max: 30)
"mnumInterval": <integer>
--mnum-interval <integer>
How frequently to place measure numbers
"multiRestStyle": <string>
--multi-rest-style <string>
Rendering style of multiple measure rests
(default: “auto”; other values: [‘auto’, ‘default’, ‘block’, ‘symbols’])
Description of the values:
: changes to block style if the number of measures exceeds four. It takes the block attribute into account.default
: same as auto, but ignoring the block attributeblock
: always displays block style except for single measure restssymbols
: always display symbols except for large numbers of measures (>30)
"multiRestThickness": <decimal>
--multi-rest-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the multi rest in MEI units
(default: 2.0; min: 0.5; max: 6.0)
"octaveAlternativeSymbols": <boolean>
Use alternative symbols for displaying octaves
"octaveLineThickness": <decimal>
--octave-line-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the line used for an octave line
(default: 0.2; min: 0.1; max: 1.0)
"octaveNoSpanningParentheses": <boolean>
Do not enclose octaves that are spanning over systems with parentheses.
"pedalLineThickness": <decimal>
--pedal-line-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the line used for piano pedaling
(default: 0.2; min: 0.1; max: 1.0)
"repeatBarLineDotSeparation": <decimal>
--repeat-bar-line-dot-separation <decimal>
The default horizontal distance between the dots and the inner barline of a repeat barline
(default: 0.36; min: 0.1; max: 1.0)
"repeatEndingLineThickness": <decimal>
--repeat-ending-line-thickness <decimal>
Repeat and ending line thickness
(default: 0.15; min: 0.1; max: 2.0)
"slurCurveFactor": <decimal>
--slur-curve-factor <decimal>
Slur curve factor - high value means rounder slurs
(default: 1.0; min: 0.2; max: 5.0)
"slurEndpointFlexibility": <decimal>
--slur-endpoint-flexibility <decimal>
Slur endpoint flexibility - allow more endpoint movement during adjustment
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 1.0)
"slurEndpointThickness": <decimal>
--slur-endpoint-thickness <decimal>
The endpoint slur thickness in MEI units
(default: 0.1; min: 0.05; max: 0.25)
"slurMargin": <decimal>
--slur-margin <decimal>
Slur safety distance in MEI units to obstacles
(default: 1.0; min: 0.1; max: 4.0)
"slurMaxSlope": <integer>
--slur-max-slope <integer>
The maximum slur slope in degrees
(default: 60; min: 30; max: 85)
"slurMidpointThickness": <decimal>
--slur-midpoint-thickness <decimal>
The midpoint slur thickness in MEI units
(default: 0.6; min: 0.2; max: 1.2)
"slurSymmetry": <decimal>
--slur-symmetry <decimal>
Slur symmetry - high value means more symmetric slurs
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 1.0)
"spacingBraceGroup": <integer>
--spacing-brace-group <integer>
Minimum space between staves inside a braced group in MEI units
(default: 12; min: 0; max: 48)
"spacingBracketGroup": <integer>
--spacing-bracket-group <integer>
Minimum space between staves inside a bracketed group in MEI units
(default: 12; min: 0; max: 48)
"spacingDurDetection": <boolean>
Detect long duration for adjusting spacing
"spacingLinear": <decimal>
--spacing-linear <decimal>
Specify the linear spacing factor
(default: 0.25; min: 0.0; max: 1.0)
See also: Content spacing
"spacingNonLinear": <decimal>
--spacing-non-linear <decimal>
Specify the non-linear spacing factor
(default: 0.6; min: 0.0; max: 1.0)
See also: Content spacing
"spacingStaff": <integer>
--spacing-staff <integer>
The staff minimal spacing in MEI units
(default: 12; min: 0; max: 48)
See also: Staff and system spacing
"spacingSystem": <integer>
--spacing-system <integer>
The system minimal spacing in MEI units
(default: 4; min: 0; max: 48)
See also: Staff and system spacing
"staffLineWidth": <decimal>
--staff-line-width <decimal>
The staff line width in MEI units
(default: 0.15; min: 0.1; max: 0.3)
"stemWidth": <decimal>
--stem-width <decimal>
The stem width
(default: 0.2; min: 0.1; max: 0.5)
"subBracketThickness": <decimal>
--sub-bracket-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of system sub-bracket
(default: 0.2; min: 0.1; max: 2.0)
"systemDivider": <string>
--system-divider <string>
The display of system dividers
(default: “auto”; other values: [‘none’, ‘auto’, ‘left’, ‘left-right’])
"systemMaxPerPage": <integer>
--system-max-per-page <integer>
Maximum number of systems per page
"textEnclosureThickness": <decimal>
--text-enclosure-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the line text enclosing box
(default: 0.2; min: 0.1; max: 0.8)
"thickBarlineThickness": <decimal>
--thick-barline-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the thick barline
(default: 1.0; min: 0.5; max: 2.0)
"tieEndpointThickness": <decimal>
--tie-endpoint-thickness <decimal>
The Endpoint tie thickness in MEI units
(default: 0.1; min: 0.05; max: 0.25)
"tieMidpointThickness": <decimal>
--tie-midpoint-thickness <decimal>
The midpoint tie thickness in MEI units
(default: 0.5; min: 0.2; max: 1.0)
"tieMinLength": <decimal>
--tie-min-length <decimal>
The minimum length of tie in MEI units
(default: 2.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
"tupletAngledOnBeams": <boolean>
Tuplet brackets angled on beams only
"tupletBracketThickness": <decimal>
--tuplet-bracket-thickness <decimal>
The thickness of the tuplet bracket
(default: 0.2; min: 0.1; max: 0.8)
"tupletNumHead": <boolean>
Placement of tuplet number on the side of the note head
Element selectors and processing
"appXPathQuery": <string> *
--app-x-path-query <string> *
Set the xPath query for selecting <app> child elements, for example: "./rdg[contains(@source, 'source-id')]"; by default the <lem> or the first <rdg> is selected
"choiceXPathQuery": <string> *
--choice-x-path-query <string> *
Set the xPath query for selecting <choice> child elements, for example: "./orig"; by default the first child is selected
"loadSelectedMdivOnly": <boolean>
Load only the selected mdiv; the content of the other is skipped
"mdivAll": <boolean>
Load and render all <mdiv> elements in the MEI files
"mdivXPathQuery": <string>
--mdiv-x-path-query <string>
Set the xPath query for selecting the <mdiv> to be rendered; only one <mdiv> can be rendered
(default: “”)
"substXPathQuery": <string> *
--subst-x-path-query <string> *
Set the xPath query for selecting <subst> child elements, for example: "./del"; by default the first child is selected
"transpose": <string>
--transpose <string>
Transpose the entire content
(default: “”)
See also: Transposition
"transposeMdiv": <string>
--transpose-mdiv <string>
Json mapping the mdiv ids to the corresponding transposition
"transposeSelectedOnly": <boolean>
Transpose only the selected content and ignore unselected editorial content
By default, Verovio loads a single mdiv
. However, transposition applies to the entire file loaded, i.e., to all mdiv
elements. By setting --transpose-selected-only
, only the selected mdiv
will be transposed.
"transposeToSoundingPitch": <boolean>
Transpose to sounding pitch by evaluating @trans.semi
Element margins
"bottomMarginArtic": <decimal>
--bottom-margin-artic <decimal>
The margin for artic in MEI units
(default: 0.75; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
"bottomMarginHarm": <decimal>
--bottom-margin-harm <decimal>
The margin for harm in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
"bottomMarginHeader": <decimal>
--bottom-margin-header <decimal>
The margin for header in MEI units
(default: 2.0; min: 0.0; max: 24.0)
"bottomMarginOctave": <decimal>
--bottom-margin-octave <decimal>
The margin for octave in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
"defaultBottomMargin": <decimal>
--default-bottom-margin <decimal>
The default bottom margin
(default: 0.5; min: 0.0; max: 5.0)
"defaultLeftMargin": <decimal>
--default-left-margin <decimal>
The default left margin
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"defaultRightMargin": <decimal>
--default-right-margin <decimal>
The default right margin
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"defaultTopMargin": <decimal>
--default-top-margin <decimal>
The default top margin
(default: 0.5; min: 0.0; max: 6.0)
"leftMarginAccid": <decimal>
--left-margin-accid <decimal>
The margin for accid in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginBarLine": <decimal>
--left-margin-bar-line <decimal>
The margin for barLine in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginBeatRpt": <decimal>
--left-margin-beat-rpt <decimal>
The margin for beatRpt in MEI units
(default: 2.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginChord": <decimal>
--left-margin-chord <decimal>
The margin for chord in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginClef": <decimal>
--left-margin-clef <decimal>
The margin for clef in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginKeySig": <decimal>
--left-margin-key-sig <decimal>
The margin for keySig in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginLeftBarLine": <decimal>
--left-margin-left-bar-line <decimal>
The margin for left barLine in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginMRest": <decimal>
--left-margin-m-rest <decimal>
The margin for mRest in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginMRpt2": <decimal>
--left-margin-m-rpt2 <decimal>
The margin for mRpt2 in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginMensur": <decimal>
--left-margin-mensur <decimal>
The margin for mensur in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginMeterSig": <decimal>
--left-margin-meter-sig <decimal>
The margin for meterSig in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginMultiRest": <decimal>
--left-margin-multi-rest <decimal>
The margin for multiRest in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginMultiRpt": <decimal>
--left-margin-multi-rpt <decimal>
The margin for multiRpt in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginNote": <decimal>
--left-margin-note <decimal>
The margin for note in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginRest": <decimal>
--left-margin-rest <decimal>
The margin for rest in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginRightBarLine": <decimal>
--left-margin-right-bar-line <decimal>
The margin for right barLine in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"leftMarginTabDurSym": <decimal>
--left-margin-tab-dur-sym <decimal>
The margin for tabDurSym in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginAccid": <decimal>
--right-margin-accid <decimal>
The right margin for accid in MEI units
(default: 0.5; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginBarLine": <decimal>
--right-margin-bar-line <decimal>
The right margin for barLine in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginBeatRpt": <decimal>
--right-margin-beat-rpt <decimal>
The right margin for beatRpt in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginChord": <decimal>
--right-margin-chord <decimal>
The right margin for chord in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginClef": <decimal>
--right-margin-clef <decimal>
The right margin for clef in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginKeySig": <decimal>
--right-margin-key-sig <decimal>
The right margin for keySig in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginLeftBarLine": <decimal>
--right-margin-left-bar-line <decimal>
The right margin for left barLine in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginMRest": <decimal>
--right-margin-m-rest <decimal>
The right margin for mRest in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginMRpt2": <decimal>
--right-margin-m-rpt2 <decimal>
The right margin for mRpt2 in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginMensur": <decimal>
--right-margin-mensur <decimal>
The right margin for mensur in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginMeterSig": <decimal>
--right-margin-meter-sig <decimal>
The right margin for meterSig in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginMultiRest": <decimal>
--right-margin-multi-rest <decimal>
The right margin for multiRest in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginMultiRpt": <decimal>
--right-margin-multi-rpt <decimal>
The right margin for multiRpt in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginNote": <decimal>
--right-margin-note <decimal>
The right margin for note in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginRest": <decimal>
--right-margin-rest <decimal>
The right margin for rest in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginRightBarLine": <decimal>
--right-margin-right-bar-line <decimal>
The right margin for right barLine in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"rightMarginTabDurSym": <decimal>
--right-margin-tab-dur-sym <decimal>
The right margin for tabDurSym in MEI units
(default: 0.0; min: 0.0; max: 2.0)
"topMarginArtic": <decimal>
--top-margin-artic <decimal>
The margin for artic in MEI units
(default: 0.75; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
"topMarginHarm": <decimal>
--top-margin-harm <decimal>
The margin for harm in MEI units
(default: 1.0; min: 0.0; max: 10.0)
"topMarginPgFooter": <decimal>
--top-margin-pg-footer <decimal>
The margin for footer in MEI units
(default: 2.0; min: 0.0; max: 24.0)
Midi options
"midiNoCue": <boolean>
Skip cue notes in MIDI output
"midiTempoAdjustment": <decimal>
--midi-tempo-adjustment <decimal>
The MIDI tempo adjustment factor
(default: 1.0; min: 0.2; max: 4.0)
Mensural options
"durationEquivalence": <string>
--duration-equivalence <string>
The mensural duration equivalence
(default: “brevis”; other values: [‘brevis’, ‘semibrevis’, ‘minima’])
"ligatureAsBracket": <boolean>
Render ligatures as bracket instead of original notation
"mensuralResponsiveView": <boolean>
Convert mensural content to a more responsive view reduced to the seleceted markup
"mensuralScoreUp": <boolean>
Score up the mensural voices by providing a dur.quality to the notes
"mensuralToCmn": <boolean>
Convert mensural sections to CMN measure-based MEI